
Lucid Nightmare

September 12, 2017 - Games
Lucid Nightmare

The Lucid Nightmare was a puzzle trail hidden inside the massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft , made by Blizzard Entertainment . The end goal of the puzzle trail was to unlock a mysterious mount, which is called Lucid Nightmare .

All steps must be followed in order, as the subsequent items and locations are either unavailable or un-interactable otherwise.

The primary solving hub for this puzzle was the WoW General Secret Finding Discord .

To view the original wiki post covering this puzzle please visit the Game Detectives Wiki .
This is just a personal page made for fun.

First Note

The Inconspicuous Note at coordinates (50.8, 54.1) in Curiosities and Moore, Dalaran

On August 30, 2017, an Inconspicuous Note was discovered in Curiosities and Moore, Dalaran (Broken Isles). After being activated, the note reads:

It begins in the 2104059.
With a most pleasing sign.
(These letters will not always rhyme.)

The seven numbers in the first line are an anagram for a date: 2009-4-15. This date was the release date of Ulduar, another in-game region.

Accordingly, the next clue was found in Ulduar.

You must activate this note to proceed.

Second Note

The lever that activates the light grid at coordinates (45.70, 12.01)

After heading to Ulduar and killing Flame Leviathan, a Dusty Lever can be found on a pile of scrap in the far left corner of the room containing the XT-002 Deconstructor boss. When activated, a 20 by 20 grid of lights appears on the floor of the room. Each light can be individually toggled by the player.
The lights must be toggled into a pleasing sign, as described by the first Inconspicuous Note. This sign is a pixelated approximation of the sigil of Mimiron , the creator of both the Leviathan and Deconstructor bosses.

The initial 20×20 light grid

The correct pattern of illuminated lights

Once the pattern is completed, another Inconspicuous Note appears in the center of the room, which reads as follows:

1000 years imprisoned.
Surely it weighs on the mind.

The note describes the Vault of C’Thun , in the Temple of Ahn’Quiraj , which was sealed 1000 years ago according to the game’s lore.

You must activate this note to proceed.

Third Note

The Mind Larva found in the Temple of Ahn’Quiraj, at coordinates (43.01, 63.97)

Deep within the Temple of Ahn’Quiraj (AQ40), there is a side path beyond the entrance of the final boss’s chamber. At the top of the staircase there, a Mind Larva can be found on an altar. Activating the Mind Larva will begin a Jewelcraft -style minigame, named “Mindcraft”, on an 8 by 8 grid floating in front of the player character’s face.

In this genre of game, symbols can be swapped with their horizontal or vertical neighbors, and if that swap forms a row or column of at least 3 identical symbols, the matched symbols are removed from the grid. Symbols above the empty space fall down into it, which may cause further matches and removals, and any remaining space at the top of the grid is filled with newly generated random symbols.

The Bejeweled grid

The exact win conditions of the minigame have not conclusively been determined, but players will eventually meet them through continued play. Common theories involve lights that appear on the floor beneath each column if a tentacle symbol in the bottom 3 rows of that column, as well as matching a line of five identical symbols in one move. However, counterexamples exist for each, and the win condition may be no more than a hidden score tracker.

If you’re having trouble with this step, just keep playing the minigame; you will spawn the third note eventually.

Upon winning the minigame, the third Inconspicuous Note will appear next to the Mind Larva on the altar. It reads:

Deeper than deep.
Awaits your seat.

The note was interpreted as a hint towards Deepholm .

You must activate this note to proceed.

Fourth Note

The Crumbling Depths, a cave in the north-east corner of Deepholm’s lower reaches, contains a “dark fissure” that is only visible to players who have completed the previous step. Clicking it will alert the player that there is no exit before allowing you to enter. Inside is a single stone chair, or seat, as described in the previous Inconspicuous Note. There is a skull upon the seat, along with a Dingy Plaque on its back.

Dingy Plaque on the back of the chair in the fissure

The fissure in the Crumbling Depths, coordinates (63.8, 22.5)

The cave in Deepholm, coordinates (58.3, 25.6)








The Dingy Plaque’s text is different in every localization. In English, it reads as follows:

… eke…

Racksum Greep, who can be found in Ratchet at coordinates (69, 70)

While the English text contains only complete words, other languages contained nonsense fragments, which suggested the presence of an anagram.
Attempting to locate one led to the partial discovery of the phrase the key is along with the letters ACEEGKMPUSRR.
Comparison to the German translation revealed that subtracting the equivalent phrase der Schlüssel ist from that language’s text left the same set of letters, implying that anagramming was likely the correct approach.

On the second day of puzzle solving, the full anagram was discovered to be RACKSUM GREEP IS THE KEY. Racksum Greep is a goblin NPC in Ratchet, who can be found at coordinates (69,70) in the Northern Barrens. The anagram was validated in all other languages, despite the varying localizations of the ciphertext and the differences in the NPC’s name.

Racksum Greep is wearing a specific mask necessary to progress: the craftable Shadoweave Mask . While the pattern for this mask was removed in a prior expansion, as of patch 7.3, the pattern now drops from any Dark Iron Dwarves in Searing Gorge . Upon returning to the dark fissure in Deepholm with the Mask equipped, the skull on the chair becomes interact-able. (The other items worn by Greep have no effect, and the prior removal of the mask’s pattern may have been a hint as to its special relevance.)

Many players have encountered various temporary bugs at this step. Be sure that:


If you are still having issues, try reloading your interface or relogging.

Using the skull while wearing the Shadoweave Mask causes a large purple explosion, and spawns the fourth Inconspicuous Note at the foot of the chair, which reads:

Where the shaded delegate may appear.

The shaded delegate is a reference to a rare spawn called the Dark Iron Ambassador , who may appear in Gnomeregan .

You must activate this note to proceed.

Fifth Note

The levers in Gnomeregan

After interacting with the fourth Inconspicuous Note, a set of 10 consoles becomes interact-able in Gnomeregan , at coordinates (37, 55), on the Launch Bay floor of the dungeon map, between the Launch Bay and Engineering Labs. Each console holds a digit from 1 to 9 (excluding 0), and offers dialog options to increase or decrease its value by one.

Near the levers is a plaque with a set of encoded “instructions” that vary along with the client’s locale. Most locales have a ciphertext that contains mostly 5, 8, or 24 digit-long “words” in binary. However, in the zhTW locale, the text instead contains digits on the range [1,5] rather than binary.

In English, the binary text reads:

01110111 00100 10010110 10101
11110111 01100 01111111 01000
011010111001011010010110 10111101
11001 00111111 10010 01001001
10000 011010010110100111010110
01011011 11110 11110001 11111
11100000 00010 11111111 01000
10110111 10101 01111111 00001
10101110 11111 00110000 01000



The solving process for the binary instructions

The first chunk of binary is divided into 5-, 8-, and 24-bit “words”. Each 8-bit word is followed by a single 5-bit word. By multiplying the number of 1’s in an 8-bit word with the number of 1’s in the following 5-bit word, we can obtain a number; for the 24-bit words, the number of 1’s is simply counted. This process yields the following numbers:

6 12 14 7 13 18 12 3 13 20 25 3 8 18 7 25 2 13

These numbers can then be translated into letters, based on the positions of letters in the alphabet:


These letters refer to 3 battle pet abilities: Falling Murloc , Mighty Charge , and Eye Beam , which deal 684, 560, and 1110 damage respectively. Concatenating these numbers yields:


The next line of the instructions, 180, is a clue to reverse this number:


The final line of the instructions, +1111111111, indicates that a 1 should be added to each digit:


Setting the consoles to 1222176597 by repeatedly interacting with them causes the fifth Inconspicuous Note to spawn, which reads as follows:

Games and toys are left behind.
When you awaken screaming.

This was interpreted as a clue towards Val’Sharah .

You must activate this note to proceed.

Sixth Note

The “untangling” minigame, found at coordinates (66, 36) of Val’sharah

At coordinates (66, 36) in Val’sharah , an interact-able Nightmare Tumor was discovered. Activating the Tumor causes a synapse-like organism bearing the name of the Old God Il’gynoth to appear, and say:


Translated from Shath’yar , the language of Il’gynoth:

Is this real or an illusion? You are going mad.

Additionally, using the Tumor commences a mini-game that follows the rules of Blingtron’s Circuit Design Tutorial . The mini-game begins with a number of randomly-positioned points, which are each connected to two other points by line segments. Any two points can be swapped, moving their attached line segments with them. Line segments that do not intersect any others are colored blue, while those that do intersect are red.

The objective of this mini-game is to turn all of the line segments blue, by “untangling” all the lines and vertices.
Here is an example solution:

Solved mini-game

Once all the lines have turned blue, the sixth Inconspicuous Note appears in front of the tumor:

What you seek is buried within.

This was determined to lead towards the Tomb of Secrets, in the Valley of Emperors in Kun-Lai Summit .

You must activate this note to proceed.

Seventh Note

The ashes found at coordinates (53, 49) of Kun-Lai Sum

At coordinates (53, 49) of Kun-Lai Summit , an urn of ashes was discovered at the base of a Mogu statue. Interacting with the urn yields an option to consume the ashes. Selecting this option brings up a prompt:

WARNING: You are about to consume the ashes of an evil sorcerer. There is no way to tell what will happen. Are you VERY sure you want to do this?

A blue rune on a table in Endless Halls

Clicking “Accept” teleports the player to a square room in Endless Halls, containing a altar and 4 doorways. Some of the room’s exits may be blocked by rubble. Exiting the room will bring the player to an identical room, with different exits blocked off by rubble. This is a randomly-generated maze puzzle, and the maze loops at its borders. To navigate the maze, it is highly recommended that you draw a map to keep track of your progress. Additionally, the Lucid Nightmare Helper add-on can be used to help keep track of your location within the maze.

A blue rune on a table in Endless Halls

The central altar of each room is surrounded by torches, which may be lit in a variety of different colors, or not lit at all. Interacting with a lit torch yields a colored orb corresponding to the color of the torch’s flame – red, yellow, green, blue, or purple.

The seventh inconspicuous note, found after solving the maze

Additionally, 5 of the rooms in the maze have different-colored runes on the altars. Placing a colored orb at the rune of the corresponding color consumes the orb. The goal of this maze is to place a correspondingly-colored orb at all 5 colored runes. Exiting the room after placing an orb at all 5 runes takes the player to a final room, where the seventh Inconspicuous

Note is lying on an altar:

The way is now open.
To the greatest secret never told.
A fitting end to your journey.

The note was a hint towards the Forgotten Crypt , a well-known and partially completed area next to Karazhan . The Crypt has existed from the game’s earliest releases, but was never completed or opened, although it has been previously explored via exploits.

You must activate this note to proceed.

Lucid Nightmare

Looting the mount in the Forgotten Crypts

After activating the seventh Inconspicuous Note, the entire Forgotten Crypt is permanently opened for the player character. It is located behind the graveyard at Karazhan , at coordinates (37, 75) in Deadwind Pass . One chamber deep within contains a large mound of bones. There is a box on top of the pile of bones; opening it sets off a fireworks sound effect and yields the Lucid Nightmare mount.

Some other quests may temporarily interfere with the player’s ability to acquire the mount at this final step. In particular, the quest for the Affliction warlock hidden appearance is known to change the phase of Deadwind Pass, causing the chest to be invisible. Either completing or abandoning such quests should cause the chest to appear.

The Lucid Nightmare mount, in-game

Quick Guide

The correct pattern for the second step, in Ulduar.

For players more interested in acquiring the mount than the explanations and history of its discovery, follow these steps:

  1. Find and read the Inconspicuous Scroll on the upper level of Curiosities and Moore, across from the fishing fountain in Dalaran (Broken Shore).
  2. Travel to Ulduar, and click the Dusty Lever on the far left scrap pile in XT-002 Deconstructor’s room. Click the lights to form the pattern on the right, then read the scroll that appears in the center.
  3. Travel to the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40). Go past C’Thun’s room, click the Mind Larva on the altar, and play the Bejeweled game until you win. Read the scroll on the altar.
  4. Purchase or craft a Shadoweave Mask , then travel to the Crumbling Depths in northeast Deepholm. Equip the Mask, then locate the Dark Fissure in the main chamber, just past the circling gyreworm. Drop into the Fissure, then click the skull on the chair in the center of the chamber. Read the scroll.
  5. Enter Gnomeregan, and locate the “Instructions” plaque and ten consoles on the northeast side of the Engineering Labs, on the Launch Bay floor of the dungeon map. By repeatedly “talking” to the consoles, enter the number 1222176597. Read the scroll that appears.
  6. Travel to the northeast edge of Shala’nir, in Val’sharah. Inside a house there, click on the Nightmare Tumor and complete its minigame. (Untangle the lines by clicking dots to swap them.) Read the scroll that appears.
  7. Travel to the Tomb of Secrets in Kun-Lai Summit and click the Urn on the pedestal. Solve the maze by locating the lit torches that hold the colored Orb debuffs, and returning them to their matching runes. Note that the maze has an unusual geometry and “warps” the player, and attempts at mapping it should take that into account. It may be easier to map the maze while leaving all of the torches and runes in place, as they are the only landmarks, before returning to remove all of them. When you have removed all of the runes, you will be teleported to a room containing the final scroll. Read it.
  8. Travel to Karazhan in Deadwind Pass. The previously barricaded Crypt behind the graveyard there is now open to you. In the most remote room of the Crypt, on a pile of bones, you will find the chest containing the Lucid Nightmare.

    A sample output for the tracking script.

Players can track their progress by running this script:

/run local N,t,d={“DAL”,”ULD”,”AQ”,”DEEP”,”GNOMER”,”VAL”,”MAZE”,”MOUNT”},{47826,47837,47841,47850,47852,47863,47881,47885} for s,k in pairs(N)do d=IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(t[s]) print(k,”=”,d and “\124cFF00FF00” or “\124cFFFF0000NOT”,”DONE”)end

Recommended Add-ons

TomTom – Allows players to place waypoints on both the map and the minimap
Lucid Nightmare Helper – A utility to help with mapping the maze puzzle